
Summer Oral Care Tips

Our friends at Pediatric Dental Associates wish all the kids in Morris County an AWESOME summer!

By Pediatric Dental Associates of Randolph June 17, 2023

With the whole summer right at our fingertips here are a few tips to maximize your oral health as the temperatures heat up.

1. Maintain your Dental Hygiene Routine. In
between trips to the beach or pool make sure
you continue to brush twice a day and floss once
a day.
2. Hydrate! It is important to drink more in
warm weather and the very best way to hydrate
is to drink plenty of water. Other beverages like
sports drinks, soda and juice promote tooth
3. Eat healthy foods. With so many fresh
summer fruits and vegetables available during
the summer it is easy to find things to eat that
are good for your teeth and your body. Keep in mind that crunchy foods like carrots and watermelon actually scrub your teeth as you chew.

4. Protect your lips from the sun. Use a lip balm with an SPF to protect your lips from

5. Don’t chew ice. While chewing ice may seem like a good way to cool off, ice can actually
chip, break or grind down teeth.

If you have any questions about keeping your child’s teeth in tip top shape this summer,

don’t hesitate to contact the dental professionals at Pediatric Dental Associates of

Randolph 973-989-7970.